

By Er-Gen


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Virtual Training For Animal Farming

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The Metaverse, a network of 3D virtual worlds centered on community connections, is rapidly infiltrating every field as we know it, including indoor farming. Corporate giants have also invested heavily in Metaverse’s related development plans in order to ensure its market position. Education, learning, and the ability to travel to any environment anytime, anywhere, are all very attractive to industrial innovation.The Metaverse-based virtual training course allows people to take virtual tours of agricultural museums, smart farms, and government agencies, among The Metaverse-based virtual training recreates a real working environment. A trainee can carry out animal breeding or product processing. He or she executes the given scenarios and receives a certain number of points. After completing the task, the points are summed up, and the trainee obtains a qualification mark. If something does not work out from the first try, you can always “replay”. To start a medium-scale farm, you need at least 5 people. And the bigger the farm, the more people are involved. With innovative farm technologies – the staff needs complex training. Of course, there are video training or personal trainers. But in the first case, there is only a possibility to watch and it’s boring, while personal trainers are expensive and can not deal with several people at the same time.

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